Project Newsletter Issue # 1 – May 2019
Welcome to the first issue of a newsletter in four languages (EN, FR, ES, IT) devoted to the project "LMOOCs for university students on the move" (Mooc2Move) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Action KA2 Strategic partnership for higher education.
We hope that this issue will help to promote the results, materials and methods to a wider audience and it will encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences as well as a productive collaboration.
The newsletter is issued by Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa (FENICE), a teachers’ association aimed at contributing to the construction of a common European educational space improving the professional characteristics of teachers and the standards of learning systems.
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With this newsletter, we look forward to begin and continue a long lasting networking and cooperation activity.
What is Mooc2Move Project?
Each year, thanks to the Erasmus programme, thousands of students in Europe take part of their studies in another country using a second language they know with a proficiency level B1 / B2. As many studies on the subject have shown, and as the analysis of the needs of students on the move conducted in partner universities has confirmed, skills needed for using common and general language differ from the skills and knowledge required for communication in academic contexts. This can have a negative effect on the completion of a cycle of study and on learners’ ability to improve language skills in the long term, impeding them in their quest to achieve high levels of multilingualism.
The project
LMOOCs for university students on the move (Mooc2Move) aims at creating a learning path, which will facilitate the development of linguistic fluency in academic contexts, supporting the student in acquiring this fluency by proposing methods and support in applying these methods. The “learning how to learn” approach is assumed to be both multidisciplinary (the project will concentrate on methods which can be applied in many domains, like note-taking, performing a short oral presentation supported by slides, interpreting figures, writing a summary, etc.), and provide students with effective strategies that they can use in their specific setting.
The project will centre on the production of two MOOCs (1 for Spanish, 1 for French) in order to make it accessible to the largest number of students on the move. They will be designed for self-study, to make them accessible even while attending other language courses or while studying abroad. The development of language skills will take place together with the acquisition of the ability to learn how to learn. This will allow students to acquire greater autonomy in learning, which in turn leads to better results and lays the foundation for lifelong learning of other languages.
Project Outputs
At the end of its implementation cycle, the project will have produced these outputs:
- Two Academic Language MOOCs (one for Spanish, one for French);
- OERs (Open educational Resources) for French & Spanish for academic purposes;
- A Pedagogical Guide for integrating MOOCs and OER;
- A portal for teaching languages with MOOCs;
- An edited, peer-reviewed volume about LMOOCs
- Two international conferences with related Call for papers, the first in Milton Keynes (UK) and the second in Naples (IT).
First International Conference & Call for papers
MOOCs, language learning and mobility: design, integration, reuse
25-26th October 2019, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Call for papers (deadline: 31 May 2019)
We invite proposals including research-related papers, presentations of case studies and projects as well as posters on the subject of Language MOOCs, including language learning and teaching with MOOCs; OER/ OEP for language learning and teaching; and MOOCs and student mobility.
Abstracts are invited for a 20-minute presentation or a poster. The conference presentations and posters can be in English, French or Spanish. Please send your abstracts (specifying whether it is a presentation or a poster) in a titled attachment of not more than 300 words in length, with name, address and affiliation to: by 31 May 2019 and we will notify you by 10th June. We plan to publish a selection of papers in a monograph.
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