FENICE Scuol@Europa news
newsletter on the activities in European Projects
Issue n. 6 - March 2006
Welcome to the sixth issue of “Fenice News”. Our newsletter addresses anyone who is interested in European Projects, but in particular those people who are interested in the themes these projects deal with.
This issue describes the projects FENICE is involved in as a partner and the products developed by transnational partnerships, with the support of the European Commission, within the framework of the Socrates, Leonardo & Youth Programmes.
We hope that this issue of “Fenice Scuol@Europa News” will help to promote these results, materials and methods to a wider audience, and it will encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences as well.
First we would like to tell you who we are in the hope that we may start a productive collaboration.
Our association Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa aims at improving the professional characteristics of teachers and the standards of state schools and at enhancing democratic reforms. The Association tackles the political, social and cultural problems connected to the school world, the teaching job and the professional growth of teachers.
The revised newsletter has a new name as, starting from 2006, FENICE publishes also a paper magazine called Scuol@Europa issued only in its Italian version. The newsletter is published, instead, in three languages and sent three times a year as an html-formatted e-mail, displaying news in short with links to the Fenice website and to the relating project website, where full access to the relevant articles or documents is provided. You can also read the newsletter and previous issues on our website www.fenice-eu.org.
§ INNOschool – Initiative for innovative concepts to prevent early school leaving (Joint Actions)
§ e-GoV – e-Government Village (Leonardo da Vinci Programme)
§ TEAM – Training of Educators of Adults in an intercultural Module (Socrates Programme)
Start of INNOschool: Promoting integration – Preventing early school leaving
A competition has been organized within the multinational initiative “INNOschool” to collect all the innovative projects promoting the integration of the less favoured and preventing early school leaving. 28,000 schools in Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands have been invited to take part in the competition.
In order to keep teachers informed on the “INNOschool” project and encourage them to share their best practice to reduce early school leaving, a newspaper including information on the problem of drop-outs and providing a first selection of successful projects has been sent to all secondary schools in the four partner countries in their different languages.
An important selecting criterion to choose the best school projects is the promotion of the idea of the school as a “community”, open to the outside world and forming networks with the neighbourhood. Possible allies on the territory could be job centres, youth help associations or local enterprises. The most interesting projects will receive a prize for a total of 14,500 EUR. The successful projects will be published on the Internet to be reproduced elsewhere. The deadline to submit the projects is 30 May 2006.
For further details on: Objectives, Main activities , Expected outcomes, Partnership
e-GoV – e-Government Village: the state of the art
The main objective of this project is to realize an Integrated System of Training, Information and Counselling for e-Government addressing both the operators of public administrations and ICT enterprises, through the cooperation of a transnational network of public administrations, enterprises and educational institutions.
The project is at its crucial stage: the definition of the professional figures that will be trained by using new ad hoc platforms for long distance learning. The team composed of the University of Rome and the company Antares provided a series of methodological and operative information to be used to describe the single professional figures and to develop the relevant Training Paths. The Training Paths under construction will contain e-Learning Modules concerning three different areas of e-Government: Communication; New Services; Management.
The professional figures, whose Professional Profiles and correspondent training paths are currently under work, are the “Manager of e-Government Services for the Marketing of the Territory” and the “Expert on Communication for e-Government”.
At the same time the technological partners Allweb Solution (GR), SILabo Srl (IT) and the Polytechnic University of Bucharest are taking care of the development of virtual areas and meeting points and of classrooms, which will be introduced during the IV transnational meeting in Bucharest (30 March – 02 April 2006).
For further details on: Objectives, Main activities , Expected outcomes, Partnership
TEAM Training of Educators of Adults in an intercultural Module: the state of the art
The first months of work on the project have involved two meetings held in Naples (IT) and in Bursa (TR).
During the first meeting the participants revised the objectives, identified the expected outcomes of the project and decided the activities to be carried out by each partner.
It has been agreed that each partner shall organize activities concerning one of the four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in order to collect real and reliable data to
§ Create a Handbook of good teaching practices in the education for adults.
§ Describe the needs analysis in a Report on Education for Adults.
During the second meeting the work carried out has been analyzed and the subsequent steps have been defined. Besides representatives of the partner Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Murcia met the French partner “GIP formation tout au long de la vie” at Nancy on January 14, 2006 and they discussed the pros and cons in the use of TIC in teaching/learning, thus starting to share good practices in that field.
The diffusion and the dissemination of the project outcomes has been carried out by the coordinating association FENICE, in combination with the two Turkish Partners, through their websites. In addition the Turkish Teachers’ Association informed all the participants to the “Teacher’s Day” meeting (600 teachers) about the objectives, the main activities and the expected outcomes of the Project, while Uludag University (TR) has organized informative seminars within the university itself.
For further details on: Objectives, Main activities , Expected outcomes, Partnership
Lancement du projet INNOschool:
Promouvoir l’intégration - Lutter contre l’échec scolaire
Dans le cadre de l’initiative INNOschool, à été lancée une compétition destinée à rassembler des projets favorisants l’intégration de jeunes défavorisés et visant à la lutte contre l’échec scolaire. 28.000 écoles en Allemagne, Espagne, Italie et aux Pays-Bas ont été invitées à participer à cette compétition.
Afin d’informer les professeurs et les élèves et de leur demander de nous envoyer des descriptions de projets pour combattre la dispersion scolaire, un journal a été envoyé aux écoles dans les quatre pays participants (Allemagne, Italie, Pays-Bas et Espagne) dans leurs respectives langues. Ce journal donne aux professeurs des informations sur le problème des « drop out » et de leur réintégration à l’école et, en plus, fournit quelques exemples de projets couronnés avec succès afin que ces expériences puissent être reproduites ailleurs.
Les projets doivent encourager l’idée de école comme « communauté » ouverte à la formation de réseaux avec les alentours. Des alliés sur le territoire pourraient être les centres de jeunesse, les associations de parents ou les entreprises. Les projets sélectionnés vont recevoir un prix total de 14.500 EUR. Afin de les re-appliquer dans des contextes différents, les meilleurs projets seront remaniés par des experts et publiés sur le site Internet. L’échéance pour l’envoi des projets est fixée au 30 mai 2006.
Pour en savoir plus sur : Objectifs, Activités principales, Résultats escomptés, Partenaires
e-GoV – e-Government Village: l’état de la technique
Le projet vise à réaliser un Système intégré de formation, Information et Orientation à l’e-Gouvernement qui s’adresse aux opérateurs des administrations publiques et aux entreprises qui travaillent dans le secteur des ITC grâce à un réseau international d’administrations publiques, entreprises et institutions formatives.
Le projet va vers sa phase chaude : le choix des figures professionnelles qui vont être formé à travers les nouvelles plateformes de formation à distance choisies ad hoc. Le groupe de travaille formé par l’Université de Rome et par la société Antarès a fourni une série d’indications méthodologiques et opératives qui seront utilisées pour décrire chaque figure professionnelle et pour développer les Parcours Formatif appropriés.
Les Parcours Formatifs en construction prévoient des Modules de e-Learning dans trois secteurs de l’e-Gouvernement : Communication; Nouveaux Services; Management.
Les figures professionnelles dont on est en train de préparer le Profile Professionnel et le Parcours Formatif correspondant sont celles du «Responsable des Services en e-Gouvernement pour le Marketing du Territoire» et de l’ «Expert de Communication visant à l’e-Gouvernement».
Au même temps les partenaires technologiques Allweb Solution (GR), SILabo Srl (IT) et l’Université Polytechnique de Bucarest travaillent sur la mise à point des zones,des points de rencontre et des classes virtuels à présenter à l’occasion du 4e meeting transnational de Bucarest (30 mars – 2 avril 2006).
Pour en savoir plus sur: Objectifs, Activités principales, Résultats escomptés, Partenariat
TEAM formation de formateurs d’adultes-dimension interculturelle:
Synthèse des étapes jusqu’ici réalisées
La phase initiale du projet a vu la réalisation de deux rencontres du partenariat tenus à Naples (IT) et à Bursa (TR). Pendant la première rencontre on a révisé les objectifs, individué les résultats attendus et décidé les principales activités que chaque partenaire doit dérouler. Tous les partenaires doivent organiser avec ses élèves des activités concernant une des quatre habilités linguistiques (lecture, écrit, oral et écoute) de façon d’obtenir des résultats réel et fiables afin de:
§ Préparer un manuel de bonne pratiques dans l’éducation des adultes;
§ Illustrer l’analyse des besoins dans un Rapport sur l’Education des adultes.
Pendant la seconde rencontre on a analysé le travail accompli et on a établit les action successives.
En plus le partenaire Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Murcia a rencontré le partenaire français “GIP formation tout au long de la vie” a Nancy le 14 janvier 2006, et ils ont discuté les avantages et les limites des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication et ils ont commencé un échange de bonne pratiques dans ce secteur.
La diffusion et la dissémination du projet et de ses résultats a été faite par l’institut coordinateur FENICE et les deux partenaires turcs sur leurs sites web. En plus, l’association turque de professeurs, au cours de la « Journée du professeur » a illustré le projet à environ 600 professeurs, tandis que l’Université Uludag (TR) a tenu des séminaires d’information à l’université même.
Pour en savoir plus sur: Objectifs, Activités principales, Résultats escomptés, Partenariat
Lancio del concorso Innoschool:
Promuovere l’integrazione – Prevenire la dispersione scolastica
Nell’ambito del progetto INNOschool è stato bandito un concorso per l’individuazione di iniziative innovative che promuovano l’integrazione e prevengano la dispersione scolastica. 28.000 scuole secondarie superiori in Italia, Germania, Spagna e Paesi Bassi sono state invitate a partecipare.
Per informare gli insegnanti sul progetto ed invitarli ad inviare la descrizione dei progetti sulla riduzione della dispersione scolastica che essi hanno già implementato, un giornale che contiene informazioni sul problema dei “drop out” e fornisce una prima selezione di progetti sperimentati con successo è stato inviato a tutte le scuole secondarie dei quattro paesi del partenariato in edizioni diverse a seconda della lingua del paese.
Un criterio importante è che la scuola includa e promuova l’idea di una “Comunità” aperta all’esterno ed alla comunità locale, cercando partner nelle immediate vicinanze con una rete di sostenitori, dalle associazioni giovanili agli uffici per l’impiego alle imprese locali. I migliori progetti riceveranno un premio in danaro per un ammontare totale di 14,500 Euro e, dopo essere stati rielaborati da un gruppo di esperti in modo da renderli trasferibili in altre realtà, verranno pubblicati sul sito web del progetto.
Data di scadenza: 30 maggio 2006
Per saperne di più su Obiettivi, Attività, Risultati e Partenariato:
e-GoV – e-Government Village: lo stato dell’arte
Il progetto si propone di realizzare un Sistema Integrato di formazione, Informazione e Orientamento all’e-Government rivolto sia agli operatori delle Pubbliche amministrazioni che alle imprese che operano nel settore delle ITC attraverso la cooperazione di una rete transnazionale di pubbliche amministrazioni, imprese e istituzioni formative.
Il Progetto volge alla fase cruciale: la scelta delle figure professionali coinvolte che verranno formate utilizzando le nuove piattaforme di formazione a distanza scelte ad hoc. Il gruppo di lavoro formato dall’Università di Roma e dalla società Antares ha fornito una serie di indicazioni metodologiche e operative che saranno utilizzate per descrivere le singole figure professionali e per sviluppare i relativi Percorsi Formativi. I Percorsi Formativi in costruzione conterranno Moduli di e-Learning per tre differenti aree nell’e-Government: l’area della Comunicazione; l’area dei Nuovi Servizi; l’area del Management.
Le figure professionali di cui si sta preparando il Profilo Professionale ed il relativo Percorso Formativo sono quelle del “Responsabile di Servizi in e-Government per il Marketing del Territorio” e dell’ “Esperto di Comunicazione finalizzata all’e-Government”
Parallelamente in questa fase i partner tecnologici Allweb Solution (GR), SILabo Srl (IT) e Università Politecnica di Bucarest stanno provvedendo alla messa a punto delle aree e dei punti virtuali di incontro e classroom che saranno presentate in occasione del IV meeting transnazionale che si terrà in Bucarest dal 30/03/2006 al 02/04/2006.
Per saperne di più su Obiettivi, Attività, Risultati e Partenariato:
TEAM Training of Educators of Adults in an intercultural Module: lo stato dell'arte
La fase iniziale del progetto ha visto la realizzazione di due meeting del partenariato svoltisi a Napoli (IT) e a Bursa (TR). Durante il primo incontro sono stati rivisti gli obiettivi, individuati i risultati attesi e stabilite le principali attività che ogni partner avrebbe portato avanti. Si prevede pertanto che ogni partner organizzi e ponga in essere con i propri allievi attività concernenti una delle quattro abilità linguistiche (lettura, scrittura, parlato ed ascolto) in modo da ottenere dati reali ed affidabili al fine di
§ preparare un manuale di buone prassi nell’educazione degli adulti;
§ illustrare l’analisi dei bisogni in un rapporto sull’educazione degli adulti.
Durante il secondo incontro è stato analizzato il lavoro fatto e sono stati programmati i passi successivi. Inoltre il partner Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Murcia nel corso di un incontro a Nancy con il partner “GIP formation tout au long de la vie” ha discusso sui vantaggi ed i limiti dell’uso delle nuove tecnologie dell informazione e comunicazione ed è iniziato uno scambio di buone prassi in quel settore.
La diffusione e disseminazione del progetto e dei suoi risultati è stata attuata dall’istituto coordinatore FENICE e dai due partner Turchi attraverso i rispettivi siti web. Inoltre l’associazione di insegnanti turca, nel corso della “Giornata dell’insegnante” ha illustrato il progetto a circa 600 docenti mentre la Uludag University (TR) ha organizzato seminari informativi all’interno dell’Università.
Per saperne di più su Obiettivi, Attività, Risultati e Partenariato: