Project Newsletter Issue # 3 – November 2017 Editorial Welcome to the third issue of a trilingual newsletter devoted to the project “MOOCs for university students on the Move in Europe” (MOVE-ME) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Action KA2 Strategic partnership and developed by a transnational partnership. The aim of MOVE-ME is to facilitate students’ integration when on the move, enhancing their ability to do their best in academic and specialized contexts and developing their ability of learning how to learn. We like to keep a wider audience up–to-date with the results, materials and developments in language teaching and to tell them a bit more about the MOVE-ME project thus hoping to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences as well as a productive collaboration. The newsletter is issued by Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa (FENICE), a teachers’ association aimed that aims at contributing to the construction of a common European educational space improving the professional characteristics of teachers and the standards of learning systems. You can read this newsletter also on the project’s website or on our website . Please, visit our Facebook page at and LIKE it! MOVE-ME MOOCs are now online The project created a learning path specifically targeted at university students who attend or intend to attend curricular courses of humanistic, scientific, legal or economic faculties in mobility programmes, supporting them in the self-acquisition of the competences and skills necessary to understand and produce academic texts. The learning path was followed through a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in order to make it accessible to the largest number of students on the move and was designed for self-study. The MOVE-ME MOOCs, designed to integrate the use of eLearning with European higher education and implemented on the FutureLearn platform (, are now on line. There are four of them, one in English and three in Italian: 1. English for Academic Purposes; 2. Studying in Italian – Language and Literature; 3. Studying in Italian – Law and Economics; 4. Studying in Italian – Science and Mathematics. Learners are supported in understanding how academic texts are structured and in acquiring the necessary skills for both understanding and producing written and oral academic texts, relating to specific disciplines. Skills and abilities are developed and reinforced through sets of activities that help learners to become aware of the learning strategies they activate when working on a certain type of input. The use of MOOCs guarantees a self-paced learning experience for students on the move who will be able to complete six self-study units in either English or Italian, focusing on communication, functional academic skills and language structures. Although each unit is based on independent study, there is a strong emphasis on interactive, collaborative and peer learning activities in support of self-study ones. The Move-Me MOOCs are based on a 6-week structure. Week 1: Introduction to the MOOC; Week 2: focus on listening skills; Week 3: focus on reading skills; Week 4: focus on writing skills; Week 5: focus on speaking skills; Week 6: Conclusion. Over 5000 students have signed up for the first run of each course. MOVE-ME international conferences
MOVE-ME in Europe
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus + Programme –KA2 HE Strategic partnership - n° 2015-1-IT02-KA203-015330 This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. |