English | Italiano | Français |
Project Newsletter Issue # 2 – September 2016 Editorial Welcome to the second issue of a trilingual
newsletter devoted to the project “MOOCs for university students on the
Move in Europe” (MOVE-ME) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the
European Union Action KA2 Strategic partnership and developed by a
transnational partnership. The MOVE-ME project is aimed to facilitate
students’ integration when on the move, enhancing their ability to do
their best in academic and specialized contexts and developing their
ability of learning how to learn. The project will create a learning
path specifically designed for students in mobility programs, supporting
them in the self-acquisition of the competences and skills necessary to
understand and produce academic texts. MOVE-ME: a work in progress The overall structure of the English and Italian MOOCs was defined, and the sequential structure of individual weekly units was established. Topics for discipline-specific material identified and a search of academic video and written texts was carried out and texts selected and activities created for a number of them. These activities reflect the project's objective to provide a path to help students to develop skills for learning to learn. As a result, tasks designed focus on highlighting the strategies employed in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Wherever possible, humour was used to help maintain motivation.
MOVE-ME around Europe
Newsletter n. 2 – Settembre 2016 Editoriale Benvenuti al secondo numero di una newsletter trilingue dedicata al
progetto "MOOC per gli studenti universitari in Mobilità Europea"
(MOVE-ME), finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione europea Azione
KA2 Partenariati strategici e sviluppato da un partenariato
transnazionale. MOVE-ME: progetto in evoluzione La struttura complessiva dei due MOOC (inglese ed italiano) è stata
definita, come pure la struttura sequenziale delle unità settimanali
individuali. Sono stati identificati anche gli argomenti per il
materiale specifico per la disciplina, una ricerca di video e testi
scritti accademici è stata effettuata, sono stati selezionati i testi e
per alcuni di essi sono state create le attività. Queste attività
riflettono l'obiettivo del progetto di fornire un percorso per aiutare
gli studenti a sviluppare abilità per imparare a imparare. Di
conseguenza, le attività progettate puntano ad evidenziare le strategie
impiegate nella lettura, ascolto, scrittura e pronuncia. Ove possibile,
l'umorismo è stato utilizzato per aiutare a mantenere la motivazione.
MOVE-ME in Europa
Newsletter n. 2 - Septembre 2016 Éditorial Bienvenus pour le deuxième numéro de la newsletter en trois langues sur le projet MOOC dédié aux étudiants universitaires en Mobilité Européenne (MOVE-ME), financé par le programme Erasmus+ de l’Union européenne Action KA2 Partenariats stratégiques et développé par un partenariat transnational.
MOVE-ME: Projet en évolution La structure globale des deux MOOC (anglais et italien) et la structure des séquences des unités individuelles par semaine ont été fixées. Les thèmes, avec les outils inhérents la discipline, ont été sélectionnés et un choix de vidéo et de textes académiques écrits a été effectué. Les textes ont été sélectionnés et, pour certains d’eux, les activités didactiques ont été rédigées. Ces activités sont conformes à l’objectif du projet de fournir un parcours qui aide les étudiants à développer des habiletés et à apprendre en apprenant. Par conséquent, les activités projetées mettent en évidence la phonétique et les techniques de lecture, d’écoute et d’écriture. Là où il était possible, on a fait recours à l’humorisme pour motiver et tenir l’attention.
MOVE-ME: Projet en Europe
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus + Programme –KA2 HE Strategic partnership - n° 2015-1-IT02-KA203-015330 This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. |