" Training of Educators of Adults in an intercultural Module

   European Commission – SOCRATES Programme

Grundtvig 2 Action - Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00319-1 

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The basic aim of the project is to promote intercultural awareness by developing competences in a global context for adult educators. In order to achieve this basic aim, the partnership has set a number of objectives to fulfil: 

§           To exchange experiences in adult education and pedagogical and didactic approaches to intercultural training in order to improve the quality of teaching;

§           To identify and exchange best practices in order to motivate learners;

§           To find valid practices in order to learn how to learn as for teachers and students.


Main activities

The three-year project falls into a typology of “Learning Partnership”. Therefore it focuses on the process more then on the result and it’s aim is to establish cooperation among organisations working in the field of adult education in formal and not formal sectors. The main activities are addressed to teachers to adults and their students. They include and are:

·         needs analysis explained in a report on adult education;

·         preparation of a methodological guide for teachers that fosters intercultural awareness from the linguistic point of view.

·         processing of a manual of good teaching practices in adults education;

·         transnational meetings of partners to establish the working methodology, to exchange experiences, to analyze and to evaluate the work done

·         to develop Grundtvig 3 courses and seminars to introduce other teachers in the practice of adult training and of new methodologies in languages teaching.


Expected outcomes

Ø       a report on adults education published in the website of each institution;

Ø       a manual/guide of good teaching practices in adults education published in the website of each institution;

Ø       a CD-Rom containing the report and the guide of good teaching practices in adult education;

Ø       a new project within Socrates Programme whose aim is to help trainers in Adult education.



The project is carried out by a multinational partnership including institutions from four countries: France, Italy, Spain and Turkey:

Ø       Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Murcia - Spain - Language State school that acts as an educational centre for young adults and adults, which has participated in other European projects and which is entirely devoted to language teaching (German, English, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, French and Italian).

Ø       GIP Groupement d'Intérêt Public Formation tout au long de la vie – Nancy, France - GIP is a regional service for the development/promotion of lifelong training and teachers training in Lorraine. The National Education network aims at improving individual and collective skills, in order to accompany the changes in the social, cultural and business world. They work with anyone who needs lifelong further education, especially with people, who don’t have a very high qualification (up to the "baccalaureate", end of upper secondary school). As a network, they experiment distance learning and have an wide experience in European projects, as partners or as promoters, and in pedagogical production.

Ø       Uludag University – Bursa, Turkey – This university includes 11 faculties, 12 vocational schools, 1 conservatoire, 3 institutes, 11 research centres and 6 departments. The University has many Leonardo and Socrates Projects both as coordinator and partner.

Ø       Öđretmenler YardimlaÞma Derneđý – Aksaray, Turkey – A teacher associations who has expertise in teaching, multicultural aspects of teaching and ICT; holds seminars and courses, plans cultural, artistic and archaeological activities in Anatolia.

Ø      Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa – FENICE – Naples, Italy – a non-profit teacher association which supports any initiative favouring the integration of the intellectual resources of schools in the cultural growth of society, promotes and plans initiatives, training projects, refresher courses, the cultural improvement of  teachers as well as research and experimentation in the teaching field, and takes part in the research and development of technologies aiming at making learning easier, education and vocational training more accessible thanks to the modern means of communication.
