Welcome to the first issue of a trilingual newsletter devoted to the project “MOOCs for university students on the Move in Europe” (MOVE-ME) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Action KA2 Strategic partnership and developed by a transnational partnership.

We hope that this issue will help to promote the results, materials and methods to a wider audience and it will encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences as well as a productive collaboration.

The newsletter is issued by Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa (FENICE), a teachers’ association aimed at contributing to the construction of a common European educational space improving the professional characteristics of teachers and the standards of learning systems. The association publishes also a magazine called Scuol@Europa issued only in its Italian version.

You can read this newsletter also on www.movemeproject.eu or www.fenice-eu.org/.

With this newsletter, we look forward to begin and continue a long lasting networking and cooperation activity.

Enjoy our newsletter in  (EN) or (FR) or (IT)

MOOCs for university students on the Move in Europe

The main objective of the MOVE-ME project is to facilitate students’ integration when on the move, enhancing their ability to do their best in academic and specialized contexts and developing their ability of learning how to learn. The project will create a learning path specifically designed for students in mobility programmes, supporting them in the self-acquisition of the competences and skills necessary to understand and produce academic texts. In particular the project aims to:

1) increase students’ awareness of the language learning process and knowing how to use effective learning strategies;

2) increase students’ understanding of written and oral expository texts relating to specific disciplines and belonging to various genres;

3) improve the quality of oral and written expository texts produced by students;

4) improve students’ performance at oral and written exams in L2;

5) support students in learning how to learn;

6) provide guidelines and a syllabus for the creation of further materials to learn languages for academic purposes using ICT.

The learning path will be followed through a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) implemented on the platform Iversity in order to make it accessible to the largest number of students on the move and designed for self-study. It will be carried out in two languages: English and Italian. Each MOOC consists of 6 modules, focusing on communication and academic skills as well as language structures. Learners will engage with interactive and collaborative activities via asynchronous (forum) and synchronous (chat and videoconferencing systems) communication tools.

The learning system will be integrated by a tandem service that will allow native speakers of English to implement forms of peer teaching with native speakers of Italian and vice versa.

To know more: http://www.movemeproject.eu

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MOOC pour étudiants de l’université en Mobilité en Europe

Le projet MOVE-ME se propose de faciliter l’intégration des étudiants en mobilité en stimulant leur capacité d’agir dans le milieu académique et spécialisé et en développant leur aptitude à apprendre à étudier. Le projet créera un parcours d’apprentissage qui permette d’atteindre la maîtrise de la langue du milieu académique par l’acquisition des savoirs et des habiletés requis par la compréhension de textes oraux et écrits, inhérents les disciplines typiques, et la production de textes académiques variés: notes, résumés, thèses, exposés oraux. Ce parcours sera réalisé grâce à la création de deux MOOC, (Massive Open Online Course), un pour la langue anglaise, l'autre pour l'Italien, implémentés sur la plateforme Iversity afin d’atteindre le plus grand nombre d’étudiants en mobilité et conçu pour l’apprentissage autonome. Chaque MOOC contiendra 6 unités, orientées sur la communication et l’interaction académique, outre que sur les structures de la langue. Les unités seront enrichies d’un support audiovisuel, de documents écrits déchargeables, d’activités à développer en ligne et de tests de vérification et d’autocorrection à la fin de chaque unité. Des moyens de communication asynchrone (forum) et synchrone (conversation, vidéo conférence, révision, évaluation) vont intégrer le travail individuel de l’étudiant.

La méthode prévoit aussi un service de tandem qui consentira aux étudiants natifs de langue anglaise de mettre en place des formes d’enseignement réciproque avec des étudiants natifs de langue italienne et vice-versa. Un site internet sera réalisé, contenant les informations sur la didactique de la langue pour des buts académiques, des links relatifs aux deux MOOC et des espaces pour insérer des links à venir relatifs à MOOC pour l’apprentissage d’autres langues.

Pour en savoir plus: http://www.movemeproject.eu 

Rejoignez-nous sur notre page Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MovemeProject.eu

MOOC per studenti universitari in Mobilità Europea

Il progetto si pone l'obiettivo di facilitare l’integrazione degli studenti in mobilità per migliorare la capacità di agire in contesti accademici e specializzati e sviluppare la capacità di imparare ad imparare. Il progetto creerà un percorso di apprendimento che permetta di raggiungere una padronanza linguistica nel dominio accademico con l'acquisizione di conoscenze e di abilità richieste per la comprensione di testi espositivi, orali e scritti, inerenti a specifici ambiti disciplinari, e la produzione di testi accademici di vario genere: appunti, sintesi, tesina, colloquio orale.

Il percorso, realizzato come MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in due lingue, inglese e italiano, per renderlo fruibile al maggior numero di studenti in mobilità, si articolerà in 6 moduli, orientati più verso la comunicazione e l'interazione accademica che alla conoscenza formale della lingua. I moduli conterranno materiale audiovisivo e documenti scritti scaricabili, attività da svolgere on line con autocorrezione e test di verifica al termine di ciascun modulo. L'attività autonoma degli studenti sul materiale didattico sarà integrata con attività collaborative in cui i discenti lavoreranno tramite strumenti di comunicazione asincrona (forum) e sincrona (chat e sistemi di videoconferenza) attuando anche forme di peer review e peer evaluation.

Il sistema formativo includerà anche un servizio di tandem che consentirà a studenti anglofoni di attuare forme di peer teaching con studenti nativi di lingua italiana e viceversa.

È prevista infine la realizzazione di un portale che conterrà informazioni sulla didattica della lingua per scopi accademici, link ai due MOOC implementati sulla piattaforma Iversity e spazi per l'inserimento di futuri link a MOOC per l'apprendimento di altre lingue.

Per saperne di più: http://www.movemeproject.eu

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